Ok, so here are a "boatload" of pictures from Halloween. We had an eventful October this year. We carved pumpkins with McGoldricks and the missionaries....well, let me rephrase that....the missionaries carved pumpkins with our kids, the guys were watching a game, and I took pictures! The gooey mess is not my thing, but by the time these 2 missionaries left our area I totally had them trained. They knew where I kept all the cleaners and how anal I am about the kitchen counters. I was so surprised at how fast they had my kitchen clean after the pumpkin fiasco!!! We may not have been the best influence on the missionaries, but their wives will thank me one day!!! Lexi had a big Halloween party at school, it was so cute to see her interact with her friends. She has so many friends in her class this year, they all take dance and gymnastics together too. She is growing up so fast! We had McGoldricks over for soup and rolls before trick-or-treating and we saw everyone else while we were out. Not many pictures of the boys, they were with friends. Jake was with the Benedetti's and Small's, and Cameron went with the Myers. If you did not figure it out (and I can't imagine why you wouldn't) Cameron dressed up as Manny Ramirez from the Red Sox. We could not stop laughing, the wig was so funny. Our boys and their Red Sox, I think Jake was just the generic Red Sox player! Lexi was Jessie from Toy Story and Ethan was Buzz. We have the perfect neighborhood for "little kid" trick-or-treating. It's not very big, and the houses are close together. Lexi was in heaven with the little girls. It was a fun night!