When Jake was little, he had a hard time figuring out who all his different grandparents were. He never knew where we were going and who-was-who! It did not take him long to come up with his own little nicknames for them and they just kind of stuck. All 4 of our kids still use the same names......11 years later! The only problem, our parents still can't get it right!
Grandma Siddoway (my mom)
Nickname: Aunt Jill Grandma
My little sister Jill was still in high school and living at home when Jake was born, so every time we went to my mom's we would say "We're going to see Aunt Jill and Grandma". They became one person and the name stuck! Jen's girls call her "Grandma Sally" so my kids hear them say that and still have absolutely no idea who they are talking about!

We took Grandma and Jill down to Mystic and had such a fun day! It was a little chilly, but the boys loved it and Jake never misses an opportunity to do something silly in a picture. I cannot believe how small the kids were....time for new photo's. Aunt Jilly's had 2 little girls since then! :)
Grandpa and Grandma Wahlquist (my dad and step mom)
Nickname: Grandpa and Grandma Robin
This one is actually really funny! My dad is always teasing....anyone & everyone.....it does not matter who you are, no-one is exempt from the teasing! Robin is my step-mom and so Jake would always hear me call her by her name. My dad was tormenting my 2 yr. old one night as we were leaving and had him all confused on names. The next time we went back, he had affectionately become Grandpa Robin. NO matter how hard he tried, he could not convince Jake to change it and the name stuck and all my kids call them that! I love it...it's by far my favorite!
Again, a really old picture. This was actually right after Ethan was born, my dad came out for Ethan's blessing. The only one I could find with all 4 kids. I get so excited to see everyone when we are in Utah, I forget to take pictures. That needs to be high on the priority list this Christmas!
Grandma Neeley (Jarrod's Mom)
Nickname: Pat Grandma
My mother-in-law, who I call by her first name "Pat". We spent a lot of time with her when Jake was a toddler and I think this was the first nickname he came up with! and yes.....stuck, although she still thinks it's "Grandma Pat"!
Grandma Wahlquist (my grandma)
My mother-in-law, who I call by her first name "Pat". We spent a lot of time with her when Jake was a toddler and I think this was the first nickname he came up with! and yes.....stuck, although she still thinks it's "Grandma Pat"!
Grandma Wahlquist (my grandma)
Nickname: Great Grandma
This is my grandma and she is still alive. Her memory is not the best and I think she only remembers Jake. Jake and I spent a lot of time with her when he was little and he has great memories. When I was little she would put puzzles together with us on the hearth in her family room. She did the same thing with Jake, even the same puzzles....from the same closet in her basement! I love that he has those memories with her, my other little one's will not have that.

This is my grandma and she is still alive. Her memory is not the best and I think she only remembers Jake. Jake and I spent a lot of time with her when he was little and he has great memories. When I was little she would put puzzles together with us on the hearth in her family room. She did the same thing with Jake, even the same puzzles....from the same closet in her basement! I love that he has those memories with her, my other little one's will not have that.

I will treasure this picture as it is the last one I will probably have with my kids and their Great Grandma. This was taken Christmas 2004 and I wish I had a more recent one. She loves Christmas and it will be so sad to not see her house all decorated this year and have Christmas Eve dinner with her (even if we don't eat the food, it's still a memory!)
So, the boring explanation as to why my kids have funny names for their grandparents. Now you will not think it's a typo when reading my posts!
***Found a few pictures of my kids with their grandparents and had to put them up! Still looking for one of Pat Grandma, I will get that one up shortly.