I was talking with my girlfriend @ baseball on Sunday and we decided to do the hike again with the big boys. I absolutely adore this family and our kids get along great. Another fun day, the boys were silly, Lexi got to follow her little boyfriend around, and Ethan collected half the mountain and shoved it into his pockets....which I was so happy to find in my washing machine at 11:00 last night!!!
After our hike we went over to the cider mill for apple fritters and fresh lemonade (bad combo. for my taste buds, but kids loved it!) we had to make sure we put on all those calories we burned hiking! :)
I was just starting to think that we would not have time for days like this with our crazy schedules and then I realized that the time is always there, we just have to be creative and find it!
Lots and lots of pictures...........
Half way point.....happy kids, happy mommies,
and they are all still clean! (and yes, those would
still be workout clothes, why break tradition!)

They were all sooo good to pose
for my pictures all day. I tried to
just snap without telling them, because
if I asked they did obnoxious things!

What one does not think of.....the other does!
Love it! :)

Love Love Love this teenage boy
of mine, and his smile is so infectious!

This very nice man offered to take a picture
for us. Our kids were all climbing down the side
of the mtn. together and he thought it would
make a great shot! I had to post this one first
because I think we have 12 just like it! He could
not get anyone to look at the camera and then we
started laughing and couldn't stop!

Much better... AND...we even
managed a couple of smiles, of course
not by my little munchkins!

These big boys absolutely scare me sometimes!
I have to keep telling myself "He's not a little boy"
My kids downloaded a Miley Cyrus song a while
ago and everytime I hear it, I think about Jake.
(Get Ready, Get Set, Don't go.) I think I'm ready,
he's definitely ready, yet I still want to hang on
for as long as I can.....I'm such a sap, sorry!

End of the road! Could not get "The
Princess" in the picture. She was
behind me couting all of her "owies"
She fell 5 times and was so banged
up, cut's everywhere and I had left
the bandaids in the car!