Not the best quality photo, but sadly enough....it was the only recent photo I could find with just me and Cam. We need to be better about that, maybe it's because he is so active that we can never pin him down long enough to get a picture!
This sweet little boy of mine has been consuming most of my thoughts over the past few weeks. I worry about all of my kids, but always a little bit more with this one. As a mom, I feel like it's my responsibility to be the strong one. Let me tell you, Cameron is the strong one. He is my biggest source of strength each and every day.
Any "1" of the challenges that he faces each day would be enough to make most people want to quit and give up....but not Cameron. He is just that much more determined to prove that he not only can do anything he sets his mind to, but that he can be the best! He faces things head on and has no fear, at least you would never know it. He has more confidence than I ever had at his age and I know that is what will take him so far in life.
I love his passion and his energy and I even love his stubborness. There are days that I want to pull every hair in my head out because of this stubborness and the fact that he will never take NO for an answer, but I have realized that he has such a fire in him and that he will never settle for anything but the best.
Jarrod and I have always worried that Cameron would struggle with relationships and friendships. It has actually been one of my biggest fears for him. It has been over the past year that we are realizing just how loved this special little boy is, and not just to us! Everywhere we go, people know him. The school...of course, grocery store, movie theater, gas station, swimming pool, gym, you name it. You cannot help but smile when you look at him. He has so much energy surrounding him and his smile and laugh are so infectious. He makes friends quite easily and wants to be everyone's friend.
You would never know it by talking to him because he is so funny and sarcastic and loves to be silly....but he is very caring, loving and sensitive to others feelings and needs. I think he is very much a people person, he is so natural and happy around anyone he meets! He is so blessed to have so many people in his life that care so much about him. I can't even begin to describe the feeling I get when I see him get off the bus with the biggest smile because Mrs. Randall got him SI for kids, or Mr. Stockwell laminated a Red Sox article for him. It's been hard for me to think about how much more time these people get to spend with him than I do and to trust them with my child. I no longer feel that way. I know w/o a doubt that they love him and want him to succeed! I know that because they cry right along with me through the ups and the downs.
Anything you ever would want to know about the Red Sox, ask Cameron. He used to get up at 5am and read everything he could about every player and then quiz the entire neighborhood. Last season he would walk to the bus every morning and ask our friend next door about something that happened at the game the night before. She would just laugh and tell Cameron that she didn't know, that she hadn't watched it. Well, one morning Cameron didn't ask and she stopped him and said "Cameron, you didn't ask me about the game last night!" He said "yeah, you never watch so I didn't ask" She was so excited by his excitment every morning that she had watched that game so she could talk to him about it the next morning! He had our entire neighborhood wanting to go to his little league games!
I told a friend tonight, that I hope Cameron knows how special he is to his mommy. I am so proud of him and how much he has accomplished in his short life. There are so many things that do not come easy for him and he just plows into them and works that much harder. I know that my thoughts are all over the place and for anyone that actually reads my ramblings, I am truly sorry. I just wanted to share Cameron with you. On the outside most people would see him as a very energetic, fun-loving, sometimes hot headed 9 year.....but I see so much more.
1 comment:
Great post! Cameron is a great kid too!
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