Each week as we get closer to the weekend, Jarrod and I start the emails back and forth. What do we have going on this weekend? Who has what sport at what time? (Is it possible for the 2 of us to get everyone where they need to be.....we joke that it takes both of us and a small army to get everyone where they need to go....and on time!) We are thankful for friends and carpools! So, needless to say we usually have really crazy weekends, but we love it. This is what I always thought being a mom was all about.
This week however, the emails were a little different. NO SPORTS! Basketball just ended and we have a small break before baseball, lacrosse and spring soccer start. (Cameron still thinks he is playing all 3, we'll let you know where that one goes!)
The last couple weeks have been kind of long for the kids, especially Cameron. They just finished CMT"S (Connecticut Mastery Tests) and so I think we were all looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Apparently "OUR" idea of relaxing and "THEIR" idea of relaxing have 2 very different definitions! What started with friends coming over after school, quickly turned into a full on slumber party.....if you have boys, than you will understand why all of the furniture was removed from the family room!!! (not really, we just decided to clean the carpets this weekend!)
So, what we thought would be a quiet, relaxing weekend, ended up being crazy and loud and soooo much fun! We started bed time at 11 and were kidding ourselves that we really thought 6 boys would fall asleep that early! Especially after (I don't know how many cases of ) pop, ice cream, popcorn, and whatever else they could find in the pantry.....I should not be surprised 1 went home with a sick tummy!
I'm sure I have more than 1 parent mad at me. I did not have the heart to tell any of them that the boys did not sleep! I could still hear at least 1 of them when I fell asleep around 1:30 and I heard the video game tournaments starting back up at 6 the next morning! It's kind of funny to see how competitive they are, I had to finally shut it off to shove food down them all before Jarrod shuttled them off to baseball try-outs. We'll save that discussion for another day! (I get so worked up over the political side of little league sports.)
I get a little crabby when my house smells like dirty boys and there are socks, backpacks, video games, every imaginable piece of sports equipment, and shoes from one end of the house to the other.....but if it were all to go away, I know that I would really miss it.
So, did we get our quiet weekend? Nope. Would I change a single minute of it? Nope! I love the noise. The laughing, the silly contests they make up, the sound of the basketball bouncing in the drive-way, singing in the car(loudly and very off tune) ,basketball off the pantry door in my kitchen, watching them play baseball on the green.....I'll take it all, because I know it makes them happy and that's all that really matters!
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