Lexi had her very 1st date last night w/ her daddy! It was the daddy/daughter dance in town and all the little girls k-6 were invited. She has been excited about this for weeks. She's been giggling about it all week with her little girlfriends, she even talked to one of them on the phone about what kind of dress she was going to wear. She had to start getting ready after lunch, and daddy was not allowed to see her. She wanted to have a new dress and we drove all over creation trying to find white shoes for her tiny little feet. Jarrod ended up fnding them (w/some help) at Walmart of all places! We curled her hair, painted her nails, and put on lip gloss. It was so much fun, I was of course in heaven.....and she looked absolutely adorable! Jarrod told her that she could pick out his tie and I could not believe how excited she was. She went straight for the purple one so it would match her dress. We took lots of pictures and it was actually kind of hard for me to not be there with her. I missed her. She is such a little daddy's girl though and I know she loved every minute of it. Jarrod spends so much time with the boys and sports and so I think it was so good for her to have her special night with daddy. Jarrod said she walked into the school and the 1st think she said was "I want to go find my friends"! He was secretly bummed out, he wanted to just hang out with her. Jarrod said she quickly found them and said that we could not have planned their little outfits more perfectly if we tried. He said that all 4 of them had little flowered dresses and cardigans! I wish I could have seen it. Of course, leave it to the dads to not have camera's. One of them may have, I'll post a picture of the 4 of them if we can find one. She asked Jarrod to dance with her, but she said that he couldn't dance all funny. I'm have flashforwards of my teenage daughter being embarrassed of her parents! She came home with a princess crown and a huge smile on her face. It was so much fun to listen to her talk about her night out with daddy and her little girlfriends, she did not leave a single detail out. We have a collection of princess crowns growing on top of one of her shelves in her room and this morning she was already talking about which crown she was going to get next year.
LOVE, love, love the blog! Such a cute family! I can't believe how much the kids have grown!!! What a special time for Lexi and Jarrod!! Priceless memories!!
Love you guys!
Michelle Neeley
She is beautiful! It's hard to believe she's not that little baby we knew in Arizona. They grow up to fast! Thanks for sending us the link to your blog. It's fun to see your family! Keep in touch! Love, The Bowen's
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