Well, this morning I wake up to the tv blaring from the family room and Cameron talking to himself! I go downstairs and he's ready to go! "Mom, did you know Terry Francona gets in trouble for not wearing his uniform, Beckett's arm is hurt so he's on the injured list, do you think Manny will hit another homer today, do you think J.D. Drew is really hurt...he's probably just really tired with the time change, guess what....Pedroia shaved his head, he has little spikes all over!" With my eyes half open and my mind spinning, all I could do was smile and try to process what he was saying so I could answer him...I just wanted the questions to stop! I don't know how the kid ever falls asleep at night. His mind seriously must run in overdrive all day long.
I think I am getting my payback! I remember waking up at 5am everyday and I know that it made my mom crazy. I may not have been shouting off baseball stat's, but at that hour it really doesn't matter why they are up....it's just annoying that they are up and when one get's up....the other's are soon to follow! It's a good think one of us is a morning person, and NO, that person would not be Jarrod!!!
I guess I should just be thankful that all the games are not in Japan and I don't have to worry about anymore 5am games. Well, it's definitely "Game On" in the Neeley house. Ready for another season of Red Sox baseball. Anything you want to know, give him a call....I'm sure he would be happy to share his knowledge with you and it will give us a break from listening!!!

***The pictures are from a game they went to last season. Jarrod got tickets to the Hartford box and was able to take the boys. I honestly don't think I've ever seen the boys so excited, esp. Cameron. Jarrod let them wander around before the game and being the brave one that Cameron is, he was able to get down by the dug-out during warm-ups. He started yelling "Hey Big Papi!" a guard told him he had to get out of there, but not before Ortiz came over and signed his ball for him! I think he almost hyper ventilated!!! David Ortiz is Cam's favorite player and my new hero!